Improve ESG carbon emissions targets with high-definition video streaming with Virtual Assist

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High definition video streaming can connect clients on-site almost immediately. The ability to triage issues or complete assessments swiftly and safely, save both time and money and carbon emissions from unnecessary travel.

Virtual Assist offers a solution that revolutionises the way companies assess on-site faults or claims. With its secure, high-definition video streaming and image capture capabilities, teams can now accurately assess the situation in real-time without the need for time-consuming, resource-intensive site visits and excess carbon emissions associated with travel; contributing to the company's ESG carbon emission targets. 

By leveraging Virtual Assist, companies can instantly connect with remote customers or team members and provide them with the necessary help, assess damage, verify work, or complete site inspections, all without leaving their desks. 

Furthermore, Virtual Assist eliminates the need for customers to download any additional apps or go through a login process to connect. This user-friendly approach ensures seamless communication and enhances the overall customer experience, further aligning with the company's ESG goals.

Saving travel costs and time with high-definition video streaming

The traditional approach of conducting on-site visits for fault assessment or claim verification can be costly and time-consuming. Virtual Assist's high-definition video streaming technology offers a cost-effective and efficient alternative.

Teams can remotely view the site in real-time, allowing them to assess the situation accurately without physically being present. This eliminates the need for travel, reducing carbon emissions and contributing to the company's ESG targets.

The high-definition video streaming ensures that teams can see every detail clearly, enabling them to make informed decisions and provide accurate assistance. The secure nature of the platform ensures that sensitive information remains protected throughout the communication process.

By leveraging Virtual Assist's high-definition video streaming capabilities, companies can streamline their operations, save costs, and reduce their carbon footprint, ultimately contributing to their ESG goals.

Comparative Analysis: Virtual Assist vs. Traditional Site Assessment Methods

When comparing Virtual Assist with traditional site assessment methods, it becomes evident that Virtual Assist offers numerous advantages in terms of efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability.

Traditional site visits require significant travel, leading to increased carbon emissions and associated costs. Virtual Assist reduces the need for physical presence on-site, enabling teams to assess sites remotely and accurately.

The high-definition video streaming and image capture capabilities, ensure that teams can view sites with utmost clarity and detail. This enhances the accuracy of assessment and decision-making, leading to more efficient and effective operations.

You will have compliance covered, with geo-located, time-stamped video, notes and reports all securely logged on the job in real time ensuring nothing is missed and claim assessments are accurate as opposed to the manual report writing process that can lead to things being missed and human error.

In addition to the environmental benefits, Virtual Assist also improves customer experience by eliminating the need for customers to download apps or go through complex login processes. The user-friendly interface allows for seamless communication, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Overall, the comparative analysis highlights the significant advantages of Virtual Assist over traditional site assessment methods, making it a valuable tool for companies striving to improve their ESG carbon emissions targets.

Key Features of Virtual Assist: 

  • Better triage incidents more effectively
  • Reduce travel time and costs
  • Reduce project life cycle by up to 80%
  • Verify the severity of work required
  • Optimise the type and level of trade dispatch
  • Improve resource distribution in major events
  • Improve your customer experience
  • Mitigate risk and increase site safety
  • Improve ESG carbon emission targets

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Ready to see Virtual Assist in action?
Bryn McKay
COO of Codafication